2023 Real Estate Holidays to Post About on Social Media

Can you name at least three real estate holidays that you could post about on social media this year? We don’t mean the big holidays or days like “World Kindness Day.” (Although, you should definitely post about these, too). We mean holidays with a real estate theme! Have you ever heard of “National Home Warranty Day” or “Smart Home Day?” These are great opportunities to educate and engage your audience while having a little fun at the same time. Here are 12 real estate holidays you can add to your marketing plan this year.
2023 Real Estate Holidays
January 14: Organize Your Home Day
January is the perfect time for “Organize Your Home Day,” when people feel the most motivated to start the new year right. Create an infographic with some household organization tips and share it with your audience on January 14!
February 10: National Home Warranty Day
Home warranties are incredibly valuable to homeowners and February 10 is the “national” day to remind your followers of this. Encourage them to check their existing warranties and search for any gaps or upcoming expirations. Not being properly covered could lead to an expensive surprise!
March 11: World Plumbing Day
Not everyone likes talking about the bathroom, but everyone definitely wants theirs to work properly. March 11 is a global day of recognition for the important role of plumbing in our communities’ health and way of life. Share some regular bathroom maintenance tips as well as your personal recommendations for local plumbers you trust.
April 7: National No Housework Day
This is a day everyone will want to celebrate – “National No Housework Day!” Today is the day for doing things at home that you want to do, not that you need to do. Tell your followers to leave the chores for tomorrow and ask them to share what they’ll be doing to enjoy their home instead.
May 17: National Work From Home Day
Working from home has become a lot more common, but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier. Some people don’t have a home office and are still working from the kitchen table. Share some ways they can create a designated space that’s free of distractions. And if they still need more room? It might be time for a home upgrade!
June 28: National Insurance Awareness Day
Insurance awareness doesn’t sound very fun, but it’s a talk you don’t want to skip with your clients or your followers. On June 28, talk about the benefits of home insurance and why it’s necessary to have the right policies. If you need inspiration for how to get creative with insurance talk, just watch a few of Allstate’s “mayhem” commercials!
July 11: National Swimming Pool Day
On July 11, help your audience celebrate “National Swimming Pool Day” with a list of the best pool party host ideas. Not only is it a way to beat the heat, but it’s also great for getting to know the neighbors better! For your followers without their own backyard pool, share local community spots that are open to the public.
August 17: National Termite Prevention Day
Termites can cause a lot of damage (and cost a lot of money) before you even know they’re in your home. Let your audience know what they might be doing to attract termites and some simple ways they can prevent them. When it comes to getting rid of termites, tell them to skip the DIY treatments and call in a professional to inspect their home.
September 28: National Good Neighbor Day
Today is a good day to be a good neighbor (well, every day is). Owning a home means long-term neighbors and while you don’t have to be best friends, it’s nice to have a friendly community. Share some ways your followers can be good neighbors, from hosting game days and garage sales to helping grab the mail every now and then.
October 3: World Architecture Day
October 3 is “World Architecture Day” – a day to appreciate how architecture influences the way we see the world. Ask your followers how they see their own home and if they feel they’re reflected in it. If not, how can they? Are they maybe ready for a new home that fits them better?
November 3: Smart Home Day
“Smart Home Day” is all about the automated technology that gives us more control over our homes. From lighting and temperature to appliances and security systems, there’s a device for everyone’s needs and budget. Share some links to “top-rated” device lists or give your own honest reviews of products you’ve tried.
December 26: National Homeowners Day
Celebrate all the homeowners you’ve helped on this day! Owning a home is a big deal for many people, and they’re often nervous about taking the leap. Congratulate your past clients on achieving their goals and show potential future clients that it’s possible for them, too.
With the hundreds of “national days” and “world days” that exist, it isn’t hard to find a few real estate holidays each month that you can post about. This is a great list to get you started and add some fun, educational real estate content to your social media calendar. You’ll be able to grab your audience’s attention, engage them in conversation, and teach them to keep coming back to you for more!